Welcome to Better Unbroken

At Better Unbroken, we are dedicated to supporting families in reuniting and thriving through the challenges of CPS involvement. Our mission is to provide the guidance and resources needed for successful family reunification, ultimately leading to a stronger, healthier community.


Family Reunification Support

Comprehensive support for successful family reunification, personalized guidance and advocacy for positive outcomes.

Parenting Education Program

Evidence-based parenting classes and workshops to promote positive parenting practices and effective communication within families.

Counseling and Therapy Referral Services

Linking with services that provide safe and supportive counseling services to address the emotional and psychological impact of CPS involvement, promoting healing and growth.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the family reunification support program work?

Our family reunification support program offers personalized guidance, advocacy, and resources to navigate the reunification process, with a focus on positive outcomes for families.

What types of parenting classes are offered in the education program?

Our parenting education program offers classes on child development, positive discipline, effective communication, and more to equip parents with essential skills for successful parenting.

What can I expect from counseling and therapy services?

You can expect therapy services that will provide a safe and supportive space for individuals and families to address the emotional and psychological impact of CPS involvement, with licensed therapists offering trauma-informed care and personalized treatment plans. If we link you with a therapy that is not a good fit or no longer fits your needs, we will work together to find you another.

Better Unbroken is a nonprofit agency that is looking to reduce the number of children removed by the family policing system and increase the number of children reunified with their biological parents with supports that ensure the department won't need to be involved.


Contact us

Reach out to us for personalized support and guidance on your reunification journey.

**Please note that we are located in NC but will work to help anyone we can!**

About us

At Better Unbroken, we understand the challenges and complexities families face when navigating the CPS system. Our team is comprised of dedicated people and professionals who are passionate about empowering families to overcome these challenges and thrive. We are committed to providing personalized, evidence-based support to ensure successful family reunification and create a brighter future for our community.